Beloved Indonesia - Blog of Charlie Hartono It's Charlie /

Beloved Indonesia

By Charlie Hartono - 2:47:00 am

Becoming a foreigner sometimes put me in a situation where I have to be able to represent my country well amongst the people whom I interact daily. Although, people can Google everything about Indonesia, but of course it would be more genuine if they can hear directly from my mouth.

After been living for almost 2 years in New Zealand, South East Africa is now become the country where I live. Although it is far away from my home town, I am always proud and happy to share the beauty and good things of Indonesia to all my colleagues. As an easy example, Batik would be the most obvious one. I oftentimes wear it whenever possible - either as my day to day dress or when I have particular functions.

During class time

Graduation's Gown - mixed with Batik

At the official event

For UN Malawi ID Card 

But before anything else above, I tirelessly enjoy promoting the richness of Indonesia tourism spots as I believe they are something that God has tremendously given to the Indonesian people. Besides Jogjakarta, BaliKomodo Island, Raja Ampat and Rinjani Mountain in Lombok, following are three other recommended places which have special moment in my heart.

1. Bromo

2. Banyuwangi

3. Lombok

My biggest hope is that more and more people will have the opportunity to visit wonderful places in Indonesia. And years from now, my grand children will still be proud to become Indonesian with its lovely tourism destinations.

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